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Commodity Inflation is Hitting Speed Bump
Inflation has become a popular buzzword (and concern for investors), and the broad commodity rally is a big part of the inflation narrative. However, when a move attains buzzword status, it’s often about when it will pause.... >> READ MORE...
10-year Treasury Yield (TNX) and 30-year Treasury Bond (TLT) Update
Many market commentators consider 10-year yields (TNX) the linchpin for continued stock market gains (and scapegoat for lack thereof), which makes current TNX resistance very interesting.... >> READ MORE...
The Biggest Lie on Wall Street
Wall Street and main stream media have found and zeroed in on the latest scapegoat. This ‘scapegoat’ is ‘supposed’ to derail the stock market, in particular technology stocks. But … brace yourself for the biggest lie being told right now.... >> READ MORE...
Free Market Outlook
The S&P 500 broke below a trend line originating at the March 2020 low for the first time. As long as this trend line acts as resistance, there is elevated down side risk. But, a move back above this trend line will postpone down side potential.... >> READ MORE...
S&P 500, Nasdaq, DJIA, Gold, Treasuries, TSLA Update
Every index is marching to the beat of its own drum. To help investors understand what’s going on, I’ve posted the entire Profit Radar Report update from February 28. Please notice the cohesive forecast offered in the summary section.... >> READ MORE...
Has the Great Unravel Started?
The S&P 500 continues to track the 2020 trajectory eerily close. While I don’t expect an exact 2020 repeat, there are similarities that bear (pun intended) danger. Has the unraveling already started?... >> READ MORE...
Nasdaq Double Trouble
Based on intra-day prices, the Nasdaq-100 doubled in value since the March 2020 low. Since 1985, this has happened 5 other times … and it led to some ‘double trouble.’... >> READ MORE...
One of the Weirdest VIX Anomaly of the 21st Century
Last week, the VIX soared 61.64%, the 3rd biggest daily spike ever. In itself, that’s already pretty remarkable, but it doesn’t stop there. Similar past instances show the S&P 500 following one of two patterns. ... >> READ MORE...
Can The ‘Reddit Rebels’ Overthrow Established Silver Forces?
The Reddit rebels movement has all the ingredients for a Hollywood blockbuster. Underdog shows the rest of the world you can go up against the despised establishment and stick it to them. Can they pull off the silver ‘heist?’... >> READ MORE...
Exciting Charts Worth Sharing
This is has been the most exciting week in quite a while, and I've actually got some cool charts to share. Here is the first one, and it compares the year-to-date 2021 S&P 500 performance with that of 2020. Trippy!... >> READ MORE...
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