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Crisis Over or Time to Panic?
Three of the biggest US bank failures hit the fan and the CNN Fear & Greed Index just fell into 'extreme fear' territory. But, stocks are up today and U.S. Treasury Secretary said the banking system remains sound. Is it time to panic or is the crisis over?... >> READ MORE...
What Nobody Wants to Say
In this article, I’m admitting a vague forecast, but I’m also sharing my conviction on a different outlook. Looking at my array of indicator, I’ve come to a conclusion nobody wants to hear, but I’m sharing it anyway.... >> READ MORE...
What about 'Goldflation' and the S&P 500?
Gold popped and dropped despite inflation concerns. Here's what sparked gold's drop. The IWM chart provides some clarity for stocks and the S&P 500.... >> READ MORE...
Are Stocks Breaking Out? Part II
Last week’s breakout warning (partially based on a little-known indicator) was timely as the S&P 500 moved above resistance, eliminated the most bearish Elliott Wave Theory option and unlocked the potential for a sizable rally. ... >> READ MORE...
Are Stocks Breaking Out?
Bears are getting squeezed as the S&P 500 has left one of its ‘ shackles’ behind. TSLA is one of the stocks leading this advance (up 50%), but another sector has yet to confirm the breakout.... >> READ MORE...
2023 S&P 500 Forecast
Those warnings were issued in the 2022 S&P 500 Forecast: Historically, the S&P 500 declines on average about 20% - Up side is limited and down side risk is increasing - Internal market deterioration is a concern and a warning sign. What's in store for 2023?... >> READ MORE...
S&P 500 Forecast
The full year S&P 500 forecast is my biggest project of the year, and quite frankly it’s kind of a thankless job. Why? It gives every critic a documented, black and white foundation for criticism.... >> READ MORE...
Has the Crash Arrived
The last few updates highlighted the S&P 500 inflection zone around 4,100. The S&P had a pretty strong reaction to that zone this week. Does this mean a crash is next?... >> READ MORE...
S&P 500 on Schedule into Inflection Zone
The S&P 500 closed one of the chart gaps we’ve been watching and pushed price into the lower end of a significant inflection zone. Although I’d like to see still higher prices, now is a time to watch support very carefully.... >> READ MORE...
The Dow and Now: Will Blue Chips Rule?
The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) has been on a tear, gaining 15.38% from October low to high, outperforming all major indexes. This pop brought DJIA right into a very pronounced resistance area likely to cause a reaction.... >> READ MORE...
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