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By, Simon Maierhofer
Thursday October 31, 2013
“Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.” Some websites provide ‘knowledge’ and data for every single ETF, but lack the ‘wisdom’ needed to spot the right time to buy and to sell. iSPYETF does exactly the opposite!

There are now well over 1,000 ETFs and you could spend hours on ETF research and filtering through the ETF universe. You’d find that some ETFs are good and some are bad. But truth be told, you can make and lose money with every single ETF.

Buying low and selling high is more important than knowing the exact difference between ETFs that essentially do the same thing. You can spend hours analyzing the difference between GLD and IAU, or XLK and IYW, or even SPY and IVV.

Bottom line is this, if you don’t get your buy/sell timing right, you will lose money.

iSPYETF and the iSPYETF Free ETF Newsletter provide actionable ideas to help investors buy and sell at the right time. You’ll find that coverage is usually based on the most popular, best in class ETF and ETPs*.

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* ETP stands for Exchange Traded Product. ETP’s include ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) and ETNs (Exchange Traded Notes).


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